The Tactical Agents Podcast

The Tactical Agent Podcast is a weekly show for real estate agents that will help you see and approach your business in a whole new way. If you feel stuck or don’t vibe in the traditional sales environment so common to the industry, you’re not alone. There’s a reason that 87% of realtors QUIT before they renew their license and we’d like to lower that number through a TACTICAL approach to the business. Each week we hope to help you shift your mindset, improve your methods, understand how to leverage media and master them all in a way that helps you CRUSH it in your business. Mike and Chris have been agents for more than a combined decade and have coached hundreds of realtors with a complete, proven system in the Tactical Agent Academy.

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Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Nothing will take the legs right out from under your progress like procrastination. When you recognize it's happening, you need to dial in on the root cause of the problem and address it so that you increase your consistency of action.Mike and Chris are the tactical agents on mission to help 10k heroes take better vacations. They do that through a complete, proven and systematic approach to the real estate business that's tactical, not traditional. Learn more:

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

NOBODY is a lone wolf and that kind of mentality will kill progress. Even if you're a solo entrepreneur/agent you still need to surround yourself with others who can help you be at your best. You won't know it all and the sooner you can learn from others in what are commonly called "masterminds" the better.We are on mission to help 10,000 heroes take better vacations. Wanna learn more?

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

On this episode of the Tactical Agents Podcast, Mike and Chris discuss FEAR and the role it plays in holding you back from where you want to go. We riff off of some concepts that are conveyed in Napoleon Hill's "Outwitting the Devil" and share some of our experiences and thoughts. Wanna know more about our mission to help 10k cops/veterans and other first responders take better vacations using a complete, proven, system in their real estate business?

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023

On this episode of the Tactical Agents podcast Mike and Chris discuss lessons we have been learning from Napoleon Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil) who would be 139 years old if he were still alive. His work continues on with both principles of personal success and also causes of failure to attain one's goals. Thanks for checking us out and if you'd like to know more about us and our project: http://www.ten7project.comWatch us on YouTube

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Time blocking. Love it or hate it it is absolutely essential. But what should fill your time? What's the most important focus for growth in your real estate business in a way that is tactical and not traditional. Chris and Mike discuss on this episode of the Tactical Agents Podcast.Wanna know more about our mission to help 10,000 cops/veterans, public safety professionals and their supporters crush their goals with a real estate biz?

Tuesday May 23, 2023

In this episode, Mike and Chris review an article from the Dave Ramsey website about signs you're working with a bad real estate agent. Do we agree or disagree on the list and our reasons why! CHECK OUT THE TEN 7 PROJECT:

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Let's face it, once you get used to it, the paperwork and other little details associated with a real estate agency is super simple. What REALLY will help you add value to your business and make you stand out is more obvious than you'd think yet week in and week out we see agents failing at it! Thanks for listening! The TEN 7 Project:

Tuesday May 09, 2023

Both Mike and Chris left law enforcement and found themselves doing real estate as their new business. Both of them found that the skills they had acquired in more than a decade each as cops translated very well to helping people in real estate. What skills carry over? What else would you add to the list?Keep up with us on YouTube

Tuesday May 02, 2023

No matter where you are at in your business it's inevitable that you'll run into periods of FEELING discouraged and defeated and definitely will be seasons where you don't "FEEL" like doing what you know will make for progress. How do you recognize that and how do you get back on track? Mike and Chris get honest about this season in their business and do some diagnosing and prescription for progress in this latest episode of the Tactical Agents Podcast.

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

Join Mike and Chris, the Tactical Agents, as they discuss three common lies that real estate agents tell themselves that are holding back their business! You don't have to keep doing your business with traditional methods!We are on mission to help 10,000 cops/veterans, public safety professionals AND THEIR SUPPORTERS take a different approach to their real estate businesses: a tactical one.Wanna know more?


The Tactical Agent

A best seller in the real estate category on Amazon now available to our listeners for FREE! To get a detailed look at what a TACTICAL approach to this business is give this a read by heading HERE

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